Malware Variants: important Points Every Corporate Employee Must Know

Malware is a piece of program or software created to damage a system or steal information from it without proper authorization. Plenty of malware variants cause enormous harm to a business or a process, causing million-dollar damages. Here is a summary of the most common malware variants and the less known ones that have developed recently. 


Named after the famous Trojan horse used stealthily to capture the city of Troy, the Trojan horse computer virus is well known to many people. It was the very first type of malware that affected systems since the early 90s. A harmful program or a code disguised as a legitimate program will latch on to the computer and erase all the data from them. Several companies experienced huge losses as Trojan horses appeared as simple entertainment links. They will steal business data from the server when someone in the office network opens such links through their email. 


All the internet users are familiar with getting ads related to their previous browsing. Adware is a sort of malware that enters a system through the browser and tracks your every move. If you browse about a shampoo, a watch, or any other consumer product, the adware alerts many marketers by monitoring your activities. Your browser gets filled with numerous ads related to the product your browsed and attractive offers to make you select a particular brand. Preventing malware is still a huge struggle, and new security protocols are unleashed daily for better security.

Mobile Spyware

More than half of the internet access in the world happens through our smartphones. Mobile spyware enters our spyware when you download free apps and give permission for them to access the camera, contacts, and location. They start sending fake SMS with links to click luring with new sale information or stating you won a prize. Sometimes threatening SMS like your service got locked and your credit card is about to expire also appears. Once the victim purposely or accidentally clicks on the link in the SMS, the phone slows down, and the details stored in the mobile like photos, mobile banking saved passwords, and many other things get stolen. 


Keyboard logging programs capture the keystrokes on your keyboard when you enter a password or other details. Every minute detail of your system activity comes under surveillance through keyboard monitoring and recording. All sensitive credentials from authorization codes to crucial company data get stolen easily if one top employee’s system is affected by keyloggers. A key logger program called Olympic Vision is available for just $25 on the black web. Keyloggers often enter a system along with other advanced malware, stay hidden, and record all the user moves silently. 


Bots are advanced types of malware that affect millions of systems within a short time. They were initially created to do some automatic tasks like search engine indexing and later developed into a major malware threat that launches DDoS attacks. They leach to a network of systems in giant corporations and government organizations to prevent their service. Distributed denial of service in electricity boards, water supply companies, banks, and hospitals cause millions of dollar loss in a brief period affecting thousands of people. They usually spread the Internet of Things or IoT and enter various devices connected through the internet in the office and homes. 


A malware latches on to a system network and prevents all the actions causing a system blackout. Robin hood, popular ransomware, once affected a city affecting its entire services from tax collection to property transfer for a whole week. A single hour of DDoS disruption in a bank or other customer service company through a system blackout will cause enormous loss. The ransomware usually demands an amount to be deposited to the hacker’s account through blatant blackmail to unfreeze the system. 

Fileless Malware

Most malware enters a system in the form of a code through a file. Advanced security systems target such new files and erase them for extra protection. Fileless malware enters the system in the form of a system code and makes changes to system files like PowerShell. The antivirus searching for a standalone malware file is cheated as they do not scan all the system files. They will get downloaded along with Windows or Mac tools and stay in the system stealing information constantly for a long time. Optimizing your Mac or Windows system with high-end file security protocols is the best way to stay protected from them. 


Computer bugs or worms have been present from time immemorial. Every software or program has some vulnerability or a weak point that makes them malfunction. It is known as a bug, and there are elaborate debugging processes to fix them. Worms enter a network or software through these vulnerable points and leach on to every client that purchases particular software. Their primary purpose is to facilitate ransomware attacks or system blackouts. Antivirus programs cannot identify worms easily because they have close links with the operating system codes or the software programming. 


It is the most dangerous malware currently available in the industry. Rootkit programs like Zacinlo efficiently mask the presence of keyloggers and other Trojan malware. They are capable of giving remote access to a system to some hacker. The complete system security is compromised, and security software or antivirus could not do much. Every move of the actual user is easily monitored and mimicked by someone from a remote location. Advanced bots act like humans taking remote access to the system, clicking on ads and harmful links to allow other malware into the system. 


These are the main types of malware variants in the market today aimed to earn money through illicit activities. Protect your official and digital home devices with advanced security systems that fight effectively against such malware. Use paid emails, train employees on the latest security measures, and keep them aware of the latest cyber-attacks. Once the system or a network is affected by malware, take all steps to get it cleaned completely and take all measures to contain the data breach. 

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