

Deworming is an essential preventative-care regimen for your pet’s health as it reduces parasites (both internal and external). Due to their outdoor lifestyles and social interaction, most pets are at risk of contracting worms throughout their lives.

It’s important to understand that untreated worms in pets can lead to serious health problems. This is why it is recommended to consult with your vet about some pet worm prevention measures. In this article, you will find information about some common types of worms in pets. also check kucni ljubimci

Types Of Worms

  • Roundworms: Roundworms are the most common worms that affect dogs of all ages. Adult roundworms can grow up to 5 inches in length and look similar to wet spaghetti. They can spread to pets through infected faeces, nursing processes, and other infected animals.
  • Tapeworms: Tapeworms have long and flat ⅛” segmented bodies that can grow up to 8 inches in length. Tapeworms enter your pets’ bodies when they encounter or ingest a host carrying tapeworm eggs, such as a bird or flea.
  • Hookworms: Hookworms in pets are the smallest of all common dog worm varieties. They reside primarily in the small intestine and can grow up to one inch in length and feed on the blood. They can cause life-threatening anaemia in pets of all ages, especially puppies. Hookworms are passed in the pet’s faeces and may infect other animals or humans.
  • Heartworms: Heartworms in pets live in the heart and pulmonary arteries. Transmitted through infected mosquitoes, these worms migrate throughout the body before finally resting in the circulatory system of pets. Heartworms do not transfer within or between species. They are preventable and treatable but can be fatal if not diagnosed before the advanced stages of infestation.
  • Ringworm: Ringworm, also called dermatophytosis, is a skin infection caused by a fungus, resulting in lesions and sores on the epidermal (or outer skin) layer. Interestingly, ringworm is not caused by a worm but rather by an infection of dead layers of skin, hair and nails. Ringworm can be very painful but is curable, and the recovery is time-consuming.

Of all these types of dog worms, the roundworms and tapeworms are the most common parasites found and cured by vets.

How is it treated?

Generally, the majority of dog worms can be eliminated and treated before the infestation becomes severe. Your veterinarian can prescribe a proper deworming medication (anthelmintic) along with the appropriate administration protocol, based on the type of parasite and extent of the swarm.

If you find your pet has worms, schedule an appointment right away! At DCC Animal Hospital, the dedicated team of experienced veterinary surgeons are always ready to answer any queries regarding pet health you might have.

Our veterinarian surgical specialists diagnose the severity of the infestation and prescribe the proper number of treatments, along with any other instructions needed.

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