How to Look For Work after College

As soon as you finish college, the foremost thing on your mind is getting a job. It is always tough to do anything as a first-timer and it is no different with your first job search as well. However, you can make this process easy by planning it out carefully. Here are some of the ways you can look for a job after you graduate.

Customize Your Resume for Each Job

A lot of employers today make use of applicant tracking software. These programs can perform keyword scans on documents. So if your resume lacks the appropriate keywords, your application will be rejected then and there without a human employee even reading your resume.

To ensure your resume gets shortlisted in the initial screening phase, tweak it so it reflects the language of the job posting. Use terminology that may have been used in the job ad or that is common in the field of work in which you are applying. For example, if you are applying for a social media marketing job, make sure you mention terms like Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on your resume. Do the same for your cover letter as well.

If the job you are applying to requires any specific skills (like Python or JavaScript for computer programming jobs), ensure that those skills are mentioned as-is on your resume. There are numerous free and paid resume critique checklist applications available online where you can evaluate the strength of your resume concerning the industry in which you are seeking employment.

Search New Jobs Listings Frequently

The ideal time to apply for a job opening is within the first two days after it is posted. So you need to frequently check for new job listings. Start your day by looking for new jobs every morning. If you maintain this routine, you will find a job sooner rather than later. There are plenty of online portals where jobs get listed. These listings are organized by job title, city, name of employer, and required skills. You can even sign up for email alerts so you will know about a new job opening as soon as it gets posted.

Another useful way to keep yourself up-to-date with job openings is to monitor the social media accounts of potential employers in your line of work. They usually post job openings on their social media accounts so this is a good place to hunt for a job. Even if they don’t specifically post job openings, their social media feeds can sometimes give some indication of any future job openings. For example, if an employer posts about a job promotion on their Facebook page, then this could indicate there will be a job opening in the coming days.

Seek Help from Your Alumni Community

Your personal contacts can help you make significant achievements in life. The same applies to job hunting. Your college alumni network is perhaps the best source to seek employment. Employers tend to have a bias in favor of graduates from their own college when they put out a job posting. Being from the same college provides a common ground. Employers usually have confidence in the learning that is provided by the college they attended so if someone from their college comes for a job interview, employers will feel somewhat comfortable in hiring such an applicant. Alumni are also usually eager to offer job advice to fresh graduates of their Alma matter.

However, you need to strategize approaching your alumni, especially if they graduated from your college before you even got admission there. Be polite and professional when you approach them. Do not contact them during odd hours and don’t call them without first seeking permission on a text medium, like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, etc. Being professional will increase the chances of your conversation going well and that will subsequently open up job opportunities.

Be Up-To-Date with Industry News

Getting a job after graduation involves something you will be very familiar with as a university student: research. Even if you are unemployed, you can’t afford to be in the dark about what is going on in your target industry. Here are some things you should do to maintain your industry knowledge:

  • Read industry journals and trade publications
  • Become members of professional social media groups
  • Follow social media accounts of companies and influencers in your target industry

Do these activities on a routine basis. Being knowledgeable about your industry has multiple benefits. Firstly knowledge enhancement itself is beneficial on its own. Having industry knowledge will help you identify companies where you can potentially work. It can also give ideas for self-employment. Industry knowledge gives you content for answers to any questions that may be asked during a job interview. Having industry knowledge is more likely to help you ace job interviews than if you go to an interview absolutely clueless about your target industry.

Summing Up

There is no silver bullet solution to finding a job after you are done with college. You need to strategize this process. You could of course use the internet to help improve your job prospects. There are plenty of online job portals where you can easily look for work.

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